Increased potency in men after 50 years

Many men are worried about why their potency weakens after 50 years. This problem can happen for several reasons. In medicine, they are very much isolated. Health is of the utmost importance. But how to increase potency after 50 and what are the symptoms of the disease?

Reasons for development

bad potency in a man after 50 how to increase

Before you understand how to treat impotence in men after 50 years, it is worthwhile to understand the reasons for its development. In medicine, it is common to distinguish several factors in form:

  • Lowering the level of male sex hormone. According to statistics, in a strong half of the population after thirty years there is a gradual decrease in testosterone production.
  • After 45 years, these indicators become below the norm, as a result of which drug insufficiency is observed and the first signs of impotence appear in men.
  • Vasoconstriction. Blood tubules lose their elasticity every year, as a result of which they slowly begin to narrow. This process leads to a deterioration of blood circulation and blood flow to the genitals.
  • Diseases of blood vessels and heart muscle. In men after 50 years, the probability of developing cardiovascular disease increases. The heart muscle weakens and weakens. This phenomenon leads to a deterioration of blood flow throughout the body.
  • Diseases of the reproductive system. At age 50, problems with potency in men often arise due to diseases of the genital organs. Doctors regularly diagnose the presence of diseases in the form of prostatitis, adenoma, urethritis. These problems can even lead to impotence in men in their 40s.
  • Lifestyle. Having a healthy lifestyle is of great importance in sexual life. If the patient regularly consumes alcohol, smokes, eats incorrectly and does not play sports, then he may start to have difficulties in the genital area.

Why does impotence occur in men at age 45, and some at age 55 or 70? The reason for the occurrence of this problem can be hidden in regularly stressful situations. Difficulties at work and disagreement in the family lead to a deterioration of the functioning of the brain. Therefore, a person manifests irritability and aggression. This process affects sexual desire. And as you know, rare sexual intercourse has a negative effect on the potency of the male.

the image symbolizes impotence after 50 years

In the absence of physical activity in the male half of the population, the muscular frame weakens. It is worth noting that the penis also refers to the muscle structure in which the nerve endings are. When their condition worsens, weakness appears. To regain potency, it is worth playing sports.

The causes of impotence in men can also be hidden in hormonal disorders. This type of disorder often occurs in patients suffering from diabetes mellitus. With this disease, there is a disruption of metabolic processes in the peripheral system. This leads to difficulties in the functioning of the prostate and hypothalamus. This process leads to changes in the hormonal level.

If impotence begins at age 50, then perhaps this was influenced by the patient's sedentary lifestyle. Very often the disease is diagnosed in those whose work is associated with prolonged sitting. This includes such specialties as a driver, programmer or security guard. In such situations, it is difficult to advise anything. But potency can only be increased with the help of an active lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Weak potency can start in those who take medication for a long time. Men, trying to avoid stressful situations and depression, take antidepressants or psychotropic drugs. To increase potency, you need to see a doctor. Maybe he will prescribe additional medications that increase the penis.

At what age will impotence come, it is quite difficult to say. Of course, not everything will happen in one year, but gradually. The main question is at what age should the fight against this disease begin.

Diagnosis of the pathology

If the first symptoms of impotence are observed in men, you should not stop with the problem, but consult a doctor as soon as possible. Only a doctor can correctly diagnose and prescribe appropriate medication.

Blood and urine tests to increase potency after 50

To diagnose the pathology, the specialist prescribes an ultrasound examination and tests. First you need to find out if there are any pathological disorders in the patient's blood system. If the patient has diseases of the genital organs, then a large number of leukocytes are found in the blood.

The patient then performs a study of the genitourinary system. To identify pathologies, ultrasound diagnosis is made. With the help of such an examination, you can see the affected areas or see the inflammatory process.

For the determination of potency after 50 years, men take semen. The analysis can determine the amount of testosterone and the composition of the secretion.

If men experience a deterioration in potency for other reasons, then additional types of tests are prescribed.

Ways to improve potency

Many men are interested in the question of how to restore potency. It is not worth worrying about this problem. After all, if there was impotence, age does not matter. The main thing is to start treatment of the pathology in a timely manner.

To maintain male potency after 50 years, it is necessary to have an annual examination by a doctor. The thing is that many processes in the body begin to slow down. And in order not to be surprised by impotence at the age of 40, you need to do some research.

To increase potency after 50 years, you need some recommendations in the form of:

Fish with vegetables to increase potency after 50
  • Compliance with a balanced and proper diet. To maintain potency at 40, 50, 55 years, you need to eat healthy food. The diet should include fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, steamed or cooked meats and fish. You should exclude fast food, alcoholic and carbonated beverages, fatty, salty and fried foods from your diet. Salt should be replaced by various spices. In addition, they increase the blood circulation in the penis.
  • Delete overweight. If a man does not have a penis, then the problem may be overweight. From this the patient becomes impotent, and also begins to suffer from diseases like diabetes, prostatitis, hypertension.
  • Lack of high blood pressure and cholesterol.
  • Refusal to consume alcoholic beverages. If the patient does not know how to deal with impotence, then the first step is to stop drinking alcohol. And it is better to start this at a young age, if nothing bothers you.
  • Sports and all physical exercise. If the patient does not know how to increase potency in men, then it is necessary to start basic exercises. The male body is made up of muscle structures. And in order for them not to weaken, you need to engage in an active sport. This includes volleyball, swimming or athletics. Cycling should be avoided as this will lead to compression of the scrotum.
  • Normal Testosterone Retention. This hormone is responsible for the sexual activity of a man, so it is necessary to take natural stimulants.
  • Refusal to take steroid drugs.
  • Stop smoking.

Preparations for enhancing potency

It happens that a man carries an active image and eats right, but the potency at fifty does not return. What is the reason? How then to increase potency in men after 50 years? In this case, to understand how to improve potency, you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe medication that will allow the sexual organs to stand during sex or restore hormonal levels.

There is a large list of drugs that increase potency. For example, products containing sildenafil that directly promote the expansion of blood vessels and the emergence of a stable erection. Such medicines have the desired effect within twenty to thirty minutes after use. But it is worth noting that the drug has some side effects and a number of limitations.

Chinese experts know how to increase potency at age 50. They came up with medications that aim to improve erectile function. They contain ginseng. It is recognized as a natural male aphrodisiac. Ginseng root is a drug that improves sexual intercourse.

How to increase potency with the help of drugs? There are biologically active supplements on the market. They contain only natural ingredients that do not cause any side effects. They must be taken with food.

To increase potency immediately before intercourse, you can use a spray. It is enough to inject the drug several times into the penis and in ten minutes it will start to act.

The forthcoming sexual intercourse should not frighten a man, especially when he is fifty or sixty years old. Every problem is solved by an experienced doctor. Many men are interested in the question, up to what age does intercourse occur and when does the erection function disappear. But there is a solution to the problem. The main thing is to find its cause.